Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Few Do-Anywhere Prenatal Pilates During Your Quarantine Days

House arrest during this COVID-19 pandemic is making the world change its habits, regularities, and several other routines. While it is simply a necessity to remain at home during this crisis, we can’t deny the fact that it is, at the same time, a tough situation for many of us, especially the expecting moms. So, if you are one among those desperately looking for online help in prenatal pilates Miami FL, we might assist.

Benefits of prenatal Pilates:
If you are yet to start prenatal pilates and wondering if it is safe during pregnancy, here are some benefits.
  1. Helps strengthen stomach and gluteal muscles
  2. Can provide some relief from back pain
  3. Builds up pelvic floor
  4. Helps gain control over breathing
  5. Improves balance
  6. Helps reduce strain
  7. Control weight gain
  8. Strengthens legs
  9. Offers relaxation
  10. Helps reduce postpartum fatigue
Here are few of the easy Pilates that you can do anywhere during your pregnancy:
  1. The Sword
Benefits: Strengthens legs, back and abs; improves balance
How to do it: Stand with your feet wider than your hips, knees bent, feet turned out comfortably, and hand on your hips. Now, bend your knees and sweep your right hand towards your left knee; keep looking down throughout this step. Sweep your right arm upward and to the right as if you would draw a sword out of an imaginary hip belt. Repeat with the other side.
  1. Thigh Stretch
Benefits: Strengthens hips, buttocks, lower back and abs
Kneel on a mat or carpet with your knees at hip-width apart. Your abs must be pulled in; you can place a folded blanket or towel to comfort yourself. Squeeze your butt, lean back while inhaling and keeping hips up. Reach your arms up to shoulder height, keep palms down. Exhale slowly as you return your hips to the upright position and bring down the arms.
  1. Wag the Tail
Benefits: Strengthens lower back and abs; increases flexibility and stability
This you begin by getting down on all four limbs, making sure your wrists are aligned under your shoulders. Draw in your belly and lift your left knee up towards the side. Make sure your shoulders are not shrugged and are away from your ears. Draw circles with your knee while keeping your abs pulled in. Complete few reps before switching sides.
  1. Sword Arm
Benefits: Strengthens arms, abs, hips and back; improves balance
Kneel on your right knee and place your right hand on the floor under your shoulder. Stretch out your left leg to the side, foot on floor, hips facing front and abs pulled in. Look down and reach your left hand to the floor. Inhale slowly as you draw your arm up to the sky, opening your chest and looking towards your hand. Lower down your arm to the starting position and exhale slowly. Complete reps before repeating with the other side.

Please note that these are the very basic forms of prenatal Pilates and the stages of these involve proper guidance and training. You can continue these at home for the time being, and once the quarantine is over, you can get it touch with professionals for prenatal Pilates Miami FL.
On that note, Miami Beach Pilates Studio is a great option. You may visit their site and call them up at (954) 296-8072 to know more.

Expert Guidance on Safe Prenatal Pilates Exercises

  Excellent benefits during pregnancy come from Prenatal Pilates exercises. But not all exercises are  recommended. Visit our studio for  Pr...